Computer simulation and information technology laboratory

Computer simulation is one of the effective methods to research complex systems. Computer models are easier and more convenient than natural, especially in cases where actual experiments are difficult due to financial or physical obstacles or may give unpredictable results. The computer models formality allows identifying the main factors which determine the properties of an object studied, in particular, researching a simulated physical system response on changes of its parameters and initial conditions.

Laboratory chief

Alexei Migun, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Laboratory key staff

  • Evgeniy MATVEYCHIK, Chief Software Engineer, phone +375-17-505-56-26;
  • Andrei CHERNUKHO, Senior Research Officer, phone +375-17-505-56-27;
  • Andrei KONDERANDA, Chief Specialist, phone +375-17-505-56-28;
  • Alexei CHARVYAK, Chief Specialist, phone +375-17-505-56-28;

The main research directions

    Computer simulation and information technology laboratory brought together a number of highly experienced specialists in solving a wide range of scientific and engineering problems, ranging from expert analysis and technological process optimization tasks and ending with fundamental problems of modern physics in the field of non-equilibrium processes. The undeniable laboratory potential is also long experience in other aspects of information technology such as development and setup of automatic control systems using technological processes, development of modern approaches to chemically reacting systems simulation, distributed computing, remote computing and Web technologies, development and administration of such systems. There are studies on the following scientific directions carried out in the laboratory:

  • Multiphase systems thermodynamics;
  • Detailed simulation of pyrolysis and different hydrocarbons combustion, including environmental aspects;
  • Heat and mass transfer in chemically reacting systems;
  • Non-equilibrium processes in plasma of barrier, glow, corona and microwave discharges, as well as atmospheric pressure high-voltage discharge;
  • Plasma interaction with objects;
  • Research on hydrogen production problems.

Selected publications

  • Мигун А. Н., Чернухо А. П., Жданок С. А. Численное исследование влияния добавок водорода и синтез-газа на горение бензиновоздушных смесей // ИФЖ, 2006, Том 79, N 4, с. 23-28; PDF
  • Rodrigues J.M. Agneray A ., Jaffrezic X ., Bellenoue M., Labuda S., Leys C., Chernukho A.P., Migoun A.N., Cenian A., Savel’ev A.M., Titova N.S., Starik A.M. Evolution of charged species in propane/air flames: mass-spectrometric analysis and modeling // Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2007, V.16, p.161-172; PDF
  • Мигун А. Н., Чернухо А. П., Жданок С. А. Численное исследование влияния дисперсионных эффектов на свойства волн фильтрационного горения со сложной химической кинетикой // ИФЖ, 2005, Том 78, N 1, с. 148-152; PDF
  • Cenian A., Chernukho A., Bogaerts A., Gijbels R., Leys C. Particle-in-cell Monte Carlo modeling of Langmuir probes in an Ar plasma // J. of Applied Physics, 2005, Vol. 97, pp. 123310/1-10; PDF
  • Буяков И.Ф., Крауклис А.В., Чернухо А.П., Жданок С.А. Анализ эффективности применения высоковольтного разряда атмосферного давления для получения водорода // Сб.: Тепло- и массоперенос-2005. Минск, ИТМО им. А.В.Лыкова НАН Беларуси, 2005, с.96-99;
  • Чернухо А. П., Мигун А. Н., Жданок С. А., Ростэйн Ж.К., Перрин Ж. Моделирование разложения перфторметана в микроволновом разряде атмосферного давления // ИФЖ, 2005, Том 78, N 2, с. 178-188; PDF
  • Мигун А. Н.,. Матвейчик Е. А, Чернухо А. П., Жданок С. А. Oбъектно-ориентированный подход к моделированию химической кинетики // ИФЖ, 2005, Том 78, N 1, с. 153-158; PDF
  • Cenian A., Chernukho A., Bogaerts A. and Leys C. Plasma–surface interactions for Langmuir probe immersed in hydrocarbon combustion front // Khimicheskaya Fizika (‘Advances in Chemical Physics’), Vol. 23, No. 9, pp.3-7 (2004); PDF
  • Cenian A., Chernukho A., Leys C., Particle-in-cell Monte Carlo (PIC-MC) simulations of plasma-wall interactions in low pressure Ar plasma // Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 68 (2003) 109-113; PDF
  • Cenian A., Chernukho A.,.Bogaerts A, Gijbels R. Comment on ‘Integral cross sections for electron impact excitation of electronic states of N2 // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 35 (2002) 5163-5166; PDF

Patents and inventions

  • Patent of the Republic of Belarus №3073 “A plasma chemical reactor of hydrocarbon conversion in an electric discharge”, dated 27.08.2007;
  • Патент РФ №2250236 "Способ получения листового органического стекла для нейтральных светофильтров", от 20.04.2005.

The main developments

Detailed kinetic mechanisms


  • CKCL – an object-oriented class library for chemical kinetics simulation;
  • TDBView – a program for thermodynamic databases working;
  • KinTool – a powerful tool for kinetic mechanisms analysis and simulation of gas-phase chemical transformations in 0D chemical reactors;
  • SSGas – a program for 1D simulation of flame spreading in a pre-mixed gas mixture excluding diffusion;
  • USShell – a researcher’s universal envelope which provides powerful and convenient means for rapid visualization of the user programs calculation results;
  • NTCC – a universal automatic control system of technological equipment.

In the laboratory work, there is also a production component aimed at meeting the company’s own needs.